Child Centered, Family Focused

Wraparound Tulsa

Wraparound: Child centered, family focused

A divorce brought Ann, 15, and her family to Wraparound Tulsa. Ann was in trouble at school, angry and verbally abusive to her mother and younger siblings at home and distancing herself from friends and activities that she enjoyed in the past.

After the third call from school and a warning that the next outburst would bring a suspension, Ann’s mother called Wraparound Tulsa.

Ann is not alone. A traumatic event such as a death in the family, moving to a new community or a serious accident can lead to a variety of negative behavior. Wraparound is able to help the child and family identify the source of the behavior and create a plan for change.

Wraparound Tulsa can help

  • Children and young adults ages 0-25 with significant emotional and behavioral health challenges
  • Empower parents to take care of their kids
  • Anyone can make a referral. Services are available regardless of ability to pay.

What you can expect

Your care team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and includes:

  • Family support providers who have raised a child with emotional and behavioral health needs
  • Care coordinators who wrap the community’s services around you to meet your unique needs.

Wraparound children and families:

  • Receive behavioral crisis management training
  • Can attend ongoing support groups

To begin the process or for help completing the required forms, contact Wraparound Tulsa at 918.492.2554 or

To learn more, read our fact sheet.

Please fill out and return these forms:

Get In Touch

Tulsa Office




Click for map to: 7010 South Yale, Ste 215, Tulsa, OK, 74136

The CALM Center

Youth Evaluation Services (YES) Tulsa

CARE Clinic



Click for map to: 9912 E 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129

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Sanctuary Institute Certified
CARF Accredited
Suicide Prevention Hotline

Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline

Counseling & Recovery Services is a nonprofit funded through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Medicaid, Medicare, and through charitable gifts. We also accept most private insurance as payment for services.