We Can Help

Our Services
Contact Us

Adult Services

Counseling, case management, and support are available for people experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Clinicians help clients find resources for basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing.

  • Counseling: Having someone to help in the journey to recovery can make all the difference. Supportive clinicians help review goals and provide support in identifying ways to achieve those goals.
  • Substance Abuse: Substance abuse treatment is available alone or in combination with mental health treatment.
  • Housing: Apartment complexes offer housing for 76 low-income adults diagnosed with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders.
  • Peers Place: Drop-in screening, crisis intervention, education, and support are available for adults without an appointment in the Sand Springs office. Groups also help people improve independent living skills.

Children's Services

Counseling and case management specific to children’s needs are provided in homes, schools or our offices. Families also receive counseling, education and support.

  • Counseling: Children struggling at home, in school and with peers need help identifying what is causing their emotional, behavioral or substance abuse issues. Our outpatient therapists and clinicians help children and their families find solutions.
  • Crisis Care/CALM Center: immediate intervention is available for youth ages 10-17 in a behavioral, emotional or substance abuse crisis any time of day or night. Youth receive intense treatment, staying at the CALM Center for up to seven days, while families receive education and support. Continued care is arranged as each youth leaves the center.
  • Family Support/Wraparound Tulsa: Customized coordination of community services is available for children, ages 0-17, and their families in crisis or at risk of crisis due to a child’s complex behavioral health issues. Teams include staff members who experienced raising a child with behavioral health issues. 
  • Transition Services: Support is available for youth ages 17-25 who leave state custody or foster care with behavioral health issues and inadequate skills for successful independence.
  • Services in Schools provide early in-school intervention for students who need help changing behaviors to succeed in school and life.

Medication Management

  • Physician visits: on-site physicians assess the need for psychiatric medication management for all ages.
  • Pharmacy Services: on-site pharmacy at Tulsa office allows clients of all ages to see the physician and receive their medication in the same location. Pharmacy staff helps clients apply for medication assistance. Our pharmacy also fills prescriptions for Sand Springs clients.
The First Step

Simply give us a call to start your journey toward feeling better

All it takes is a single phone call to start the journey toward a happier, healthier you! The first appointment is free. Youth in crisis can call 918.394.2256 anytime of day or night.

Tulsa Office

(918) 492 – 2554

Sand Springs Office

(918) 245 – 5565

CALM Center

(918) 394 – 2256

Building Better Lives and Promoting Personal Dignity For All Ages

Counseling & Recovery Services of Oklahoma, formerly Associated Centers for Therapy, Inc. (ACT), provides quality emotional, behavioral and substance abuse services for all ages from birth to older adults, inclusive and accessible to all.

As a full-service community mental health center, Counseling & Recovery Services treats all mental illnesses including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.  We also treat substance abuse. Our agency provides services to people without insurance, with Medicaid, Medicare and some private insurances.

As a Medicaid Health Home, Counseling & Recovery Services staff members find and manage mental health, physical health and wellness services for children and adults. A nurse works with everyone involved in your care to help track important treatment basics such as lab work and follow-up visits.

Get In Touch

Tulsa Office




Click for map to: 7010 South Yale, Ste 215, Tulsa, OK, 74136

The CALM Center

Youth Evaluation Services (YES) Tulsa

CARE Clinic



Click for map to: 9912 E 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129

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Sanctuary Institute Certified
CARF Accredited
Suicide Prevention Hotline

Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline

Counseling & Recovery Services is a nonprofit funded through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Medicaid, Medicare, and through charitable gifts. We also accept most private insurance as payment for services.