Self Care WOrksheet
Self Care Plan

Self Care Plan
Self-Care Worksheet
This Self-Care Worksheet will help you create a way to take care of yourself each day. Use your answers to these items to create a Self-Care Plan. You should keep your Self-Care Plan and refer to it often to make sure that you are caring for yourself.
Physical Self-Care
___ Eat regularly and healthy foods
___ Identify and take part in fun physical activities
___ Get regular medical care for prevention and illnesses
___ Take time off when needed
___ Get Massages
___ Get enough sleep
___ Take time to care for your appearance
___ Take vacations
___ Take day trips or mini-vacations
___ Make time away from telephones and social media
___ Other:
Psychological Self-Care
___ Make time for self-reflection
___ Have your own therapist
___ Write in a journal
___ Read literature that is unrelated to work
___ Do something at which you are not expert or in charge
___ Decrease stress in your life
___ Say “no” to extra responsibilities sometimes
___ Other:
Emotional Self-Care
___Stay in contact with important people in your life
___ Give yourself affirmations, praise yourself
___ Love yourself
___ Identify comforting activities, objects, people, relationships, places and seek them out
___ Allow yourself to cry
___ Find things that make you laugh
___ Other:
Spiritual Self-Care
___ Make time for reflection
___ Spend time with nature
___ Find a spiritual connection or community
___ Identify what is meaningful to you and notice its place in your life
___ Meditate
___ Pray
___ Sing
___ Other:
Workplace or Professional Self-Care
___ Take a break during the workday (e.g. lunch)
___ Make quiet time to complete tasks
___ Identify projects or tasks that are exciting and rewarding
___ Set limits with others
___ Balance your day
___ Arrange your workspace so it is comfortable and comforting
___ Other:
___ Strive for balance within your work-life and workday
___ Strive for balance among work, family, relationships, play and rest
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Counseling & Recovery Services is a nonprofit funded through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Medicaid, Medicare, and through charitable gifts. We also accept most private insurance as payment for services. Copyright 2024 counseling & recovery Services. crs is a 501(c)(3) Organization