Manage Your Emotions

Safety Plan

Safety Plan

Do you have things or people that “trigger” negative thinking, emotions or behavior? A safety plan can help you better manage those difficult emotions.

Our clients and staff create personal safety plans. A good safety plan identifies activities that can be used anytime, anywhere, without embarrassment. Activities should be safe, effective, and self-soothing.

Give yourself at least five immediate steps that you can take when you find yourself in a challenging, stressful or dangerous situation. Some of the activities can involve others or leaving the space you are in (for example, calling a friend or taking a walk). At least two should be things you can do on your own and without leaving the space you are in (for example, deep breathing or squeezing a stress ball).

The safety plan is written on  a small card, like an index card. The card can be confidential, but everyone should share their safety plans with others who can help them. It’s also  important to always carry your safety plan with you so it is available when you need it.

The following are examples:

Take a deep breath                 Use positive self-talk

Take a walk                             Think about being in a safe place

Talk to a friend                       Listen to music

Leave the room                       Write or draw

Follow this link to a safety plan handout for all ages.

Follow this link to the CALM Center’s safety plan handout used with children and youth in crisis.

The safety plan is just one tool that we use in our Sanctuary Community. Another tool that can benefit everyone is a Self-Care Plan. Follow this link to create your own Self-Care Plan.

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Tulsa Office




Click for map to: 7010 South Yale, Ste 215, Tulsa, OK, 74136

The CALM Center

Youth Evaluation Services (YES) Tulsa

CARE Clinic



Click for map to: 9912 E 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129

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Counseling & Recovery Services is a nonprofit funded through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Medicaid, Medicare, and through charitable gifts. We also accept most private insurance as payment for services.