Have you experienced a natural disaster?

We Can Help
Click or Call 918.492.2554

Most people who experience a disaster, whether direct or indirect exposure, are affected in some way.

Common Reactions can include:

  • Feeling anxious or fearful
  • Being jumpy or easily startled
  • Being overwhelmed by sadness
  • Having difficulty making decisions
  • Having trouble thinking clearly and concentrating
  • Feeling angry, especially if the event involved violence
  • Having headaches or other physical pains for no clear reason
  • Noticing an increase or decrease in your energy and activity levels
  • Having difficulty talking about what happened or listening to others
  • Having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, sleeping too much, or trouble relaxing

Our Free Services can help you:

  • Recognize/understand your feelings & reactions
  • Build coping skills for recovery
  • Identify your needs and connect you with resources such as food, utility/rent help, home repairs, and counseling

For all ages:

Individual Counseling

Peer Support

Onsite Pharmacy

Medication Management


Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma:  https://cceok.org/

Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma, disaster:  https://cceok.org/disaster

Disaster Distress Helpline:  https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/disaster-distress-helpline

Home repair for Tulsa residents:  https://revitalizettown.org/

FEMA and May 2022 storms: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4657

Teledoc:  https://www.teladoc.com/disaster-hotline/

COPES Adult Crisis:  https://www.fcsok.org/services/crisis-services/

Emergency Infant Services:  https://www.eistulsa.org/

Oklahoma Disability Law Center:  https://okdlc.org/

Neighbor for Neighbor: www.neighborforneighbor.org

Veteran referral service: https://csctulsa.org/okvetconnect/

City of Tulsa home repair grants: https://www.cityoftulsa.org/government/departments/working-in-neighborhoods/win-housing/

Oklahoma Insurance Department:  https://www.oid.ok.gov/consumers/file-an-online-complaint/

Consumer reports for Oklahoma construction companies:  https://cib.ok.gov/consumers

Get In Touch

Tulsa Office




Click for map to: 7010 South Yale, Ste 215, Tulsa, OK, 74136

The CALM Center

Youth Evaluation Services (YES) Tulsa

CARE Clinic



Click for map to: 9912 E 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129

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Sanctuary Institute Certified
CARF Accredited
Suicide Prevention Hotline

Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline

Counseling & Recovery Services is a nonprofit funded through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Medicaid, Medicare, and through charitable gifts. We also accept most private insurance as payment for services.