September is Suicide Prevention Month. Did you know that most people who commit suicide don’t want to die? They just want the pain to go away. Showing your concern by asking “Are You OK?” makes a difference.
What if they say they have a plan to commit suicide?
- Call 911. Do not leave them alone.
What if they don’t have a plan, but you are still concerned?
- Call 918.492.2554 and ask for crisis assistance
- Call the CALM Center at 918.394.2256 for children ages 10-17 day or night
- Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273-8255.
It’s that simple. If more help is needed, the professionals at these numbers will direct you.
The danger is real. Suicide ranks higher than homicide as a cause of death nationwide. It is the third leading cause of death for youth ages 10-24. The reasons for suicide are complex. People with mental health and substance abuse issues are at greater risk.
People thinking about suicide:
- talk about death and dying
- give away prized possessions
- call people and say goodbye
- exhibit changes in eating and sleeping habits
- neglect personal appearance
- change personality and behaviors
- withdraw from friends and usual activities
Let’s commit to preventing suicide today by being more aware of signs and by asking the simple question.