
“I hate you!”

“I wish I had never been born.”

“I am never coming back!”

“Mom, I’m in jail.”

“This is the principal. Your child is expelled.”

Unfortunately, far too many parents hear these words from children, schools and law enforcement.  Parents don’t have to face this crisis alone. The CALM Center is here to help 24/7.

Beth’s journey from crisis to calm

When Beth, 15, arrived for her weekend visit, the house erupted into chaos.  Everyone walked on egg shells trying to keep from lighting the short fuse.  She would rage in anger against her dad, stepmom and siblings. Screaming, “I hate you,” and door slamming seemed never ending. It became so unbearable that no one wanted to be home when Beth was there.

Finally, one weekend, the family took Beth to the CALM Center, where youth ages 10-17 in an emotional, behavioral and substance abuse crisis receive help any time of day or night.

At the CALM Center, Beth learned that she suffered from bipolar disorder. She started medication and found new and better ways to handle emotions and behaviors.  After seven days, Beth left with her family and continued treatment while living at home and going to school.

Today, Beth is a college student. She is among the 21 percent of children and young adults with mental illness. Beth was lucky. She received treatment. Eighty percent of the children and young adults with mental health issues do not.

Problems will not go away without help

Struggles and failures at home and at school will continue until diagnosis and treatment occur.  Untreated mental illness leads to school failure, homelessness, suicide, substance abuse, risky sexual behaviors and more.

Here are some universally recognized signs that a child is at risk or in a crisis:

Mood changes:  Sadness, withdrawal or severe mood swings cause problems at home or at school.

Intense feelings:  Overwhelming fear with a racing heart or fast breath; intense worries that interfere with daily activities.

Drastic changes in behavior or personality:  This includes dangerous, out-of-control behavior such as running away and fighting, coming home intoxicated or high, threatening to hit parents, siblings, and teachers, playing with weapons and talking about wanting to hurt others.

Difficulty concentrating:  A child in crisis often has trouble focusing or sitting still. Both behaviors lead to school problems.

Unexplained weight loss or weight gain: This could signal depression or an eating disorder.

Physical harm: An untreated mental health condition can lead to suicidal thoughts, self-harm or suicide.

Sleep Issues: Excessive sleeping indicates depression or substance abuse; difficulty in sleeping indicates insomnia and other disorders.

Some young people exhibit other behavior changes:

  • Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness
  • Paranoia and excessive secrecy
  • Obsessive body-image concerns
  • Excessive isolation
  • Abandonment of friends and social groups

Help spread the word

You can make a difference by spreading the word and urging young people and their families to seek help. With treatment, youth and families can experience success. Our agency’s licensed and experienced staff is available to start youth and families on the road to recovery regardless of their ability to pay. We accept Medicaid and private insurance.

For more information, call any time of day or night at 918.394.CALM (2256) when a crisis occurs.
Our outpatient children’s services are available Monday through Friday at 918.492.2554 to guide youth and families through assessment, diagnosis, treatment, medication management, behavioral health modification and more.