
Laughter is best medicine

When in doubt, laugh it out. Have you ever heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine?” According to the article “Laugh out Loud” in 101 Ways to Well-Being, laughter has several health benefits, including burning calories, reducing pain and stress, and improving...

Mental health affects heart health

In honor of American Heart Month,  it’s important to share the fact that depression and mental illness can break your heart – literally. Scientists in several studies found depression caused increased inflammation, abnormal stress hormones, metabolic changes, and...

Pharmacy helps clients in need

Pharmacist Boyd Stephens smiles as a client says, “Bless You.” “My staff and I get blessed at least once or twice a day,” Boyd said. Why so many blessings? Boyd and his staff provide 65 percent of the pharmacy’s clients with free prescription medication. In fiscal...

Celebrate July 4th: What do you value?

July 4 is an excellent time to celebrate our nation’s independence and the Declaration of Independence’s vision of our rights as citizens. It’s also a great time to declare our personal values and celebrate our individual rights. The Declaration of Independence says:...

Home Alone for spring break

Many parents leave older children home alone for the first time during spring break. While every child is different, the general rule is children under age 11 do not have the decision making skills to stay home alone. Before leaving a child home alone, here are some...

Attitude of Gratitude

In a society where success is the brass ring, gratitude, happiness and self-compassion often take a back seat. The good news is cultivating an attitude of gratitude has the opposite effect. Gratitude is the act of expressing thanks for what we have and for what others...