
Helping kids cope with tornadoes

Oklahomans have spent days watching the weather and devastation from tornadoes across our state.  Nearby towns have experienced damage. The horrific tornado in Moore on Monday is upsetting to everyone.  It is especially difficult for young children who don’t...

Why suicide and why at school?

The recent tragic death of a Catoosa ninth grader by suicide at school has everyone asking the questions: why suicide and why at school? There are no definite answers as to why youth attempt and complete suicide. And there is limited research on the psychology of the...

Celebrating 30 Years of Caring

Without you, I don’t know where I’d be today … maybe homeless or …dead.” This 20-year old was one of our record 5,143 clients in the past year, a 12 percent increase over the previous year. With our help, clients improved independence, decreased substance abuse, and...

Leadership Tulsa gifts go to clients of all ages

Leadership Tulsa members donated $620 and 200 gifts during their annual holiday party to make Christmas possible for clients of Counseling & Recovery Services of Oklahoma. Many adult gifts were necessities like food, self-care, hygiene and household items. Food...

Coping with tragedy

In response to a school shooting or tragedy, many children have questions and concerns. There are excellent resources online for children, families, school personnel and clinical professionals. One specific resource is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network...