
Back to School is here

It’s August! Time for most children to go back to school.  Some children transition easily and happily to school while others struggle.  Most adults become anxious when we start something new. So, it’s no surprise that children are anxious about a new...

Glee star is not alone in his tragedy

Families of adolescents and young adults too often face the tragedy of losing their loved ones to drug and alcohol abuse. The death of Glee star Cory Monteith of a heroin and alcohol overdose brought this senseless loss to everyone’s attention again. A 2011...

CALM Center wish list

The CALM Center is a 24/7 facility serving youth ages 10-17 in a behavioral, emotional or substance abuse crisis. Youth often arrive with only the clothes that they are wearing. The CALM Center provides behavioral health treatment during a seven-day stay. Youth need...

Join us at incredible Pizza on Friday

Join the Tulsa Fraternal Order of Police and Tulsa City Councilor Arianna Moore for a fundraising event benefitting Counseling and Recovery Services of Oklahoma all day on Friday, June 28. Download the event flyer by following the link. Meet & greet Councilor...