by Dominick Montgomery | Dec 16, 2015 | News
Want answers and actions for difficult moments in parenting? Call our children’s department at 918.236.4140. Becoming a Love and Logic Parent© teaches simple techniques that are effective with all children, from toddlers to teens. 2016 sessions include: One-day...
by Dominick Montgomery | Dec 16, 2015 | Blog
So many movies are made about family conflict during holidays. That’s because most of us don’t live in a Norman Rockwell picture perfect family. Pile on extra holiday preparations, events, loss of sleep and the strain on finances and you’ve got a recipe for old and...
by Dominick Montgomery | Dec 16, 2015 | Blog
You exclaim, “I need help with my kids!” You have come to the right place. Want answers and actions for difficult moments in parenting? Attend Becoming a Love and Logic Parent©. Parents learn simple techniques that are effective with all children, from...
by Dominick Montgomery | Oct 2, 2015 | News
We join the nation in mourning the loss of life in Oregon’s community college shooting on Thursday. In response to this and other tragedies that occur at a school, many children, teens and young adults have questions and concerns. There are excellent resources...
by Dominick Montgomery | Aug 10, 2015 | Blog
Back-to-school is here. Families are making their lists: backpacks, school supplies, up-to-date shots, and more. One thing missing on most lists is critical to learning – children’s behavioral health checkups. Did your child or teen struggle with emotions, behavior or...