
April is Child Abuse Prevention & Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Child Abuse Prevention is more than just detecting physical or sexual abuse. Children also experience physical, educational, emotional and chronic neglect that puts them at risk. The link below gives information about all of these issues. It also has great tips and fact sheets for parents, school personnel and mental health professionals, according to Kim Parker, Director of Children’s Services, Counseling & Recovery Services of Oklahoma.


April also is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It is a good opportunity to talk with teens about dating violence/abuse and healthy relationships.  You can also find great information/resources on both child abuse prevention and sexual assault prevention at www.nctsnet.org,  The National Child Traumatic Center website.

1 in 3 teens experience dating abuse

If you believe that you or someone is being abused in a dating relationship or at home, please talk to someone.  Although many abused teens talk to their friends, it is a good idea to also share with a trusted adult:

  • Teachers
  • School counselors
  • Ministers, rabbi or youth leaders
  • Police officers
  • Adult friends

You do not have to know for sure that someone is experiencing child abuse or dating abuse to ask the question. Asking the question opens the door for them to talk to you now and in the future.

The CALM Center provides 24/7 crisis stabilization to help boys and girls ages 10-17 and their families deal with the immediate crisis.

Wraparound and outpatient services support the youth and the family through the difficult situations.

We also refer to other community resources such as Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS) where appropriate.

Let us know how we can help by calling 918.492.2554 for all adult and children’s services or 918.394.2256 for kids in crisis.