
Leave A Legacy

Planned giving is seen as the highest level of support for an organization’s mission because it secures the organization’s vitality and future. With the help of legacy supporters, Counseling & Recovery Services provides care transforming the lives of adults,...

Giving Success

All 50 children and adults in our Holiday Giving Program received gifts, thanks to your generous donations. Staff and community partners also filled 10 food baskets distributed to clients and their families. Once again, Rib Crib Sand Springs provided meat for our Sand...

CALM Renovation

The CALM Center renovation moves to a new phase with the administration and assessment offices, classroom and visitation area temporarily housed in two trailers in the parking lot. This phase includes renovation of the classroom, waiting, room, front offices, front...

Deadly roadways

December is National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month and for good reason. Americans consume more alcoholic beverages on New Year’s Eve than any other day of the year with Christmas coming in second, based on a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults entitled...